Homeopathic ServicesWhat is Homeopathy? A German physician named Samuel Hahnemann developed the system of medical treatment called homeopathy in the 18th century. It is a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy persons (or animals) symptoms similar to those of the disease. In essence, Hahnemann identified the phenomenon of “like cures like”. He used the phrase “vital force" which is best described as the overall concept of what protects an individual from harm. The vital force can be affected by many factors such as diet, environment, genetics, etc. Any disruption to the vital force results in “dis-ease”, causing the patient to experience certain symptoms. In homeopathy, medicines are called remedies. By administering the correct remedy, the disease can be cured and vital force brought back into a balanced state meaning a return to wellness.